Ur-Leica Replica *


1.320 €
inkl. Käuferpremium

AUKTION BEENDET - Vielen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme!
Dieses Los unterliegt der Umsatzsteuer in gesetzlicher Höhe des jeweiligen Bestimmungslandes auf Hammerpreis und Premium (Vollbesteuerung), sofern es in der EU verbleibt
Produktnummer: AI_32_36404
Startpreis 800 €
Schätzpreis 1.600 € – 1.800
Seriennummer : 33
Jahr : c.1980
Zustand : B+
Ur-Leica Replica *

One of 31 replicas by Italian Alberico Arces, very well made and in good condition (some wear of the paint on the edges), with maker's box. Alberico Arces was a precision mechanic and the boss of the local Italian Telecom State Company’s “Telex repair and maintenance shop”. In this capacity, he headed a small team of highly specialized precision mechanics and had at his disposal all kinds of fine metal machining tools. In order to keep his team busy, Arces had the idea to let them make UR-Leica replicas based on drawings he had found. The result was so good that he developed the “business” with the enthusiastic help of his team. His “Nullserie” replicas existed nearly 20 years before the costly Leica ones. Next to the normal or “brassy” UR-Replicas, he made tubus and folding viewfinder versions of the Nullserie.