Reid IIIa British Military outfit
13.200 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 12.000 € – 16.000
Jahr : 1950s
Zustand : A/B
A rare Reid military outfit, including a IIIa camera stamped on the back with an arrow, with Taylor Hobson Anastigmat 2/2" no.329137 (very good optics), leather case stamped with military contract number AU.286, rare and fast Dallmeyer Dallac 2/8.5cm no.471696 (with good optics, engraved on the barrel with arrow and contract numbers), and Dallmeyer Dalrac 4.5/13.5cm no.544760 (near-mint, also engraved on the barrel with an arrow and contract numbers). A very rare and extended military outfit.