NATHANIEL MAYER ANSELM ROTHSCHILD (1836–1905) ‘Schiffsbilder’, Jasper Druckerei, Vienna 1902


15.600 €
inkl. Käuferpremium

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Produktnummer: AI_16_34707
Startpreis 3.000 €
Schätzpreis € 5.000 – 6.000
NATHANIEL MAYER ANSELM ROTHSCHILD (1836–1905) ‘Schiffsbilder’, Jasper Druckerei, Vienna 1902

Private printing, 40 copies only, 25 heliogravure photographs, printed by Blechinger & Leykauf in Vienna, 14 plates, 30 x 38 cm, original hardcover bound with cover picture and gold-gilt title imprint The first and only edition, only forty copies have been printed, financed privately and used as a special give away to friends. "These heliogravures were made after photographs, which I took during my last trip on the “Veglia” and a winter stay in Egypt" - Vienna, 1902 - N.R.

Photo Auction 16