Leica Standard 'Snapshot' *
18.000 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 10.000 € – 12.000
Jahr : 1936
Zustand : B/A
a special Leica Standard with an originally-mounted 3.5cm finder (first version with flared end), inclusive nickel Elmar 3.5/3.5cm no.297273 (also 1936), lens cap, in excellent condition, the camera has comes from a small batch of six cameras (serial numbers 191651-191656), marked in Leica delivery records as 'I + EKURZ' (Leica I with Elmar 3.5/3.5cm), with added commentary 'mit mont. Weitwinkelsucher' (with mounted wide-angle finder), it is one of the rarest variations of the screw-mount Leicas!