Leica MD Gray Hammertone *
48.000 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 20.000 € – 24.000
Jahr : 1964
Zustand : A/B
Leitz Wetzlar production records list 10 Leica MD bodies in a special grey finish, shipped to Leitz Canada in October 1964. Also, Visoflex III housings in a similar finish were supplied - due to the later delivery of all of the Visoflex housings - they show a finish a bit different from the cameras. The camera offered here was totally restored by Leica around the 1980s, and is in beautiful, almost mint condition. It comes from the official batch with serial numbers 1102501-1102510. Included with the camera is an Elmar 2.8/50mm no.2327738. It is one of the rarest Leica cameras ever manufactured.