Leica M3 First Batch Double Corner *
168.000 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 120.000 € – 140.000
Jahr : 1954
Zustand : B/A
An extremely early Leica M3 - the serial production started with serial no.700001, one of the very few cameras with distinctive two corners on the top plate, in excellent, original condition, showing all features of the earliest M3 cameras, like the absence of L-seal, different chassis, etc. The chassis number is 108 - it is one of the earliest known. The camera was delivered to Manca, New York in 1954. It comes with a collapsible Summicron 2/5cm no.1304324, an early case, a red unnumbered box, and an early M3 brochure from 1954.