Leica IIIc outfit
2.880 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 1.400 € – 1.600
Jahr : 1941
Zustand : A/B
Very nice extensive outfit consisting of a quite early Leica IIIc no.379265 in almost mint condition and working order, with chrome Elmar 3.5/3.5cm no.470355 (both caps and SBLOO finder), chrome Elmar 3.5/5cm no.544594 (rear cap and chrome FISON hood), Summitar 2/5cm no.526402 (front cap and SOOFM hood), Summarit 1.5/5cm no.1359233 (rear cap, XOONS hood and special light yellow filter), black/chrome Elmar 4/9cm no.459928 (both caps, SGVOO finder and black/nickel FIKUS hood), Hektor4.5/13.5cm no.326555 (both caps), universal finder VIOOH, ROSOL frame finder, NOOKY near-focussing adapter for Elmar 5cm, APDOO delayed action release, flash set (CTOOM adjustable bracket, CEYOO flash and one bulb), 5x various colored filters, leather strap, German instructions and leather outfit case.