Leica I Mod. A Anastigmat
132.000 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 80.000 € – 100.000
Jahr : 1925
Zustand : B/C
Authentic Leica model A with a 5-element Anastigmat lens, in extremely rare original condition, with all early matching features. This lot includes the earliest version ETRIN case in 'EPI' leather style, twin cassette container. Several versions of the Leica model A were produced, which differ primarily in their respective built-in lenses. The Leica model A with a 5-element 50 mm Anastigmat f/3.5 lens represents the first version of a regular production Leica camera. It was first introduced to the public at the Leipzig Spring Fair in 1925. Only about 155 of these cameras were built and delivered in 1925 (production started with number 126, the 0-Series cameras bearing numbers 101-125). The “Anastigmat” Leica is historically significant and in high demand among collectors. Finding an example in its original condition is extremely difficult today, as many early Leica cameras were later upgraded into more recent models.