Lechner Müller Field Camera
384 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 600 € – 800
Jahr : c.1895
Zustand : B
13x18cm mahogany field camera in good and original condition, blue bellows, with C. P. Goerz Berlin Doppel-Anastigmat Syntor 6.8/210mm no.112003 (good optics with minimal cleaning marks and typical bubbles, working iris diaphragm), with front lens cap, C. P. Goerz Berlin Weitwinkel-Linkeioskop Serie F (aperture f:24-788 - old German style in mm) no.175244 (light cleaning marks and working iris diaphragm), with 2 matching lens plates, 3 film plates holders, wooden/brass tripod and original canvas bag