Kiev IIIa outfit
10.800 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 3.000 € – 3.400
Jahr : 1956
Zustand : A/B
Rare outfit made for high-ranked soviet party members, never available for the public, only around 200 Zorki and Kiev camera outfits were made, including a Kiev IIIa no.560381 in very good cosmetic condition, with matching Jupiter-12 2.8/3.5cm no.5600925 (both caps), Jupiter-8 2/5cm no.5602962 (major dent on the rear), Jupiter-3 1.5/5cm no.5600413 (both caps), Jupiter-9 2/8.5cm no.5502517 (both caps), Jupiter-11 4/13.5cm no.5600939 (rear cap), universal finder no.014178, 6x colour filters, original cable release, 2x film spools, leather camera case and leather outfit case.