12.000 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 15.000 € – 18.000
Jahr : 1942
Zustand : B/A
According to the Leitz production book (Montagebuch) this camera was finished on November 28th, 1942 and taken over by Willi Stein, the manager of camera assembly. The Leitz sales book (Verkaufsbuch) shows, that the camera was given on December 1st, 1942 to Ludwig Leitz. Very interesting is the fact, that the camera with the same serial number but with asterisk (390000*) was finished on January 28th, 1944 and delivered to the German Luftwaffe on the same day - 14 months after the camera given to Ludwig Leitz. During a service at Leitz company in the late 70s the camera turned out to be 'K' camera without 'K' engraving. At the same occasion the top plate was rechromed at the factory. The camera, a presentation camera given to Ludwig Leitz and an important piece of Leitz history, is in perfect working condition with Elmar 3.5/5cm no.537959 (FISON hood, cap), case. It comes with a photo documentation showing also the interior with the matching serial number 390000, the original letter of the former owner, Mr.Florian Assfalg in Munich from 1992 (with English translation), copies of the Leitz assembly and sales book.