III Mod. F black outfit
2.400 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 2.000 € – 2.400
Jahr : 1933
Zustand : B
early body with nickel Elmar 3.5/50mm no.164973 (both caps), un-numbered heavy-cam nickel Elmar 3.5/3.5cm (both caps), black/chrome Elmar 4/9cm no.284338 (cap, black/chrome FIKUS hood), un-numbered RF coupled black/nickel Elmar 4.5/135mm (both caps, black/chrome FIKUS hood), black/nickel VIDOM finder, WINKO right angle finder, nickel NOOKY for Elmar 5cm, four filters, three close up lenses, three spools in metal containers, AGRIF spool winder, chrome ABLON film trimming template, nickel ABCOO film cutter in case, cable release and Contesa-Nettel self timer, bakelite body cap, Gesamtkatalog 1933 (German), Agfa daylight spool, golden/blue Leica pin, all fitted in original brown Leitz leather outfit case