I Mod.C Standard Ausrüstung
3.360 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 2.500 € – 3.000
Jahr : 1931
Zustand : B/A
first owner outfit in original near mint condition with 3 matching lenses: unnumbered 11 o'clock nickel Elmar 3.5/50mm (black painted cap), unnumbered 11 o'clock nickel Elmar 3.5/3.5cm (both black painted caps), unnumbered and uncoupled black/nickel Elmar 4.5/13,5cm (with flat black painted rear cap and front cap), all lenses with meter scale, early black painted FISON hood without screw and engravings, early WINKO right angle finder, black/nickel FOFER (meter scale), VISOR torpedo finder, FIHEL yellow filter 0, FILBY yellow filter 1, FILGE yellow filter 2, FIPOS green filter, 3x close-up lenses (ELPRO, ELPIK, ELPET), two metal film containers with spools, original instruction book (German, August 1931, Liste Photo 2319g, Tabellen zur Leica Camera, matching ETGAM leather outfit case (with short and long strap) and small everready case with strap inside for camera and FOFER range finder