I Mod.A Elmar
1.080 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 1.800 € – 2.000
Jahr : 1927
Zustand : C
very early camera (version 2) in excellent technical condition, all features original (see also: von Einem, "Die 10 Variaten der klassischen Leica I A mit Elmar 1:3.5 F=50mm"), rare version with feathered arrows on the knobs, cap, the camera was delivered on 25th of August 1927, with early advertising of the famous "Leicamann" by Ludwig Hohlwein from the magazine "Photofreund" from August 1926, and the third edition of von Einem "Die 10 Varianten der klassischen Leica I A mit Elmar 1:3.5 F=50mm'