I Mod.A Elmar Ausrüstung
3.120 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 1.800 € – 2.000
Jahr : 1928
Zustand : B+
first owners outfit incl. camera in very fine condition and in good working order, FODIS rangefinder no.18996, cap, everready case, ETRIN case, very first type FISON hood with rectangular opening, WINKO right angle finder, FILBY yellow filter 1, FILGE yellow filter 2, FILTU yellow filter 3, original cable release, ABLON film trimming template, original instruction book (Juni 1928, Liste Photo 2319), exposure tables (Juni 1928, Liste Photo 2283), early CORREX developing tank in nickel, complete with reel and apron, VEFOR masking frame for 6x8cm