I C Non Standard outfit


12.600 €
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Produktnummer: AI_15_19056
Startpreis 7.000 €
Schätzpreis 14.000 € – 16.000
Seriennummer : 48673
Jahr : 1930
Zustand : B/A
I C Non Standard outfit

extremely rare original outfit including 2 matching lenses: Elmar 3.5/50mm and Elmar 4.5/13.5cm (both engraved with 673 on barrel, both with feet scale, caps), camera base plate engraved with open-close, swinging mask for 13.5cm Elmar, with early FODIS no.2324, VISOR torpedo finder, first type FISON hood (with simple push-on fit and a rectangular opening at the front), WICAP/WICAB, DOOLU spirit level (with red maker's box), WINKO right angle finder, double film container, 3 close-up lenses (ELPRO, ELPIK, ELPET), yellow filters 1&2 (FIGRO & FILGE), FIRGI intermediate ring (short ring for use of front lenses in conjunction with slip-on filters), instruction book (Liste Photo 7110a, Juli 1931) - all in near mint condition in its matching Leitz outfit case. This complete and rare outfit is illustrated in James L. Lager An Illustrated Histoy Vol.I page 39.