Arsenal Kiev FK-6 Camera outfit Apollo-Soyuz Test Project *
60.000 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 30.000 € – 35.000
Jahr : c.1975
Zustand : A/B
Apollo–Soyuz was the first crewed international space mission carried out jointly by the United States and the Soviet Union in July 1975. The Soyuz crew was Commander Alexei Leonov and Flight Engineer Valeri Kubasov. The cosmonauts received a specially designed FK-6 camera to document the flight. It was a single lens, medium format reflex camera with interchangeable lenses. The body and lenses have been engineered for use in an oxygen-rich environment by using only non-flammable materials and modified to withstand the harsh conditions during space flights. The FK-6 camera was mentioned in the U.S. space center documents: ‘Apollo Soyuz Test Project Design Characteristics’ and in the final Flight Plan for the mission. The offered FK-6 no.97516 comes with Arsenal M-26 3.5/45mm engraved with the same number as the body. Everything in excellent cosmetic and perfectly working condition. It is one of the rarest camera from the history of space exploration.