ANONYMOUS PHOTOGRAPHERS Set aus 52 Photochromen / Set of 52 Photochromes, Eastern Europe and Russia c. 1910


2.160 €
inkl. Käuferpremium

AUKTION BEENDET - Vielen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme!
Dieser Artikel unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung und das Premium beträgt 24%, sofern es in der EU verbleibt
Produktnummer: AI_10_29706
Startpreis 1.800 €
Schätzpreis € 3.000 – 3.500
Seriennummer : 16,5 x 22,5
ANONYMOUS PHOTOGRAPHERS Set aus 52 Photochromen / Set of 52 Photochromes, Eastern Europe and Russia c. 1910

52 Photochromes (8 doublets) each c. 16,5 x 22,5 cm (6.5 x 8.9 in) Each with typographic descriptions (title and image no. in French and Russian) in the image lower left and right The present photochromes feature an interesting range of places (in sequence of quantity): Moscow - Riga - Kiew - Warsaw - Crimea - Georgia (Road Groussie) - Pjatigorsk - Kola Peninsula sea images - Sebastopol- Livland landscapes - Zarskoje - Archangelsk, and others.

Photo Auction 10