ANONYMOUS PHOTOGRAPHER Egon Schiele and his classmates from the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna 1907


2.640 €
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Produktnummer: AI_15_34083
Startpreis 1.400 €
Schätzpreis € 2.000 – 2.400
ANONYMOUS PHOTOGRAPHER Egon Schiele and his classmates from the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna 1907

Gelatin silver print, printed in 1964 (on occasion of Dobrowsky's death) 7,9 x 19,6 cm The print comes with the original typewritten description reading “ Wr. Akademie d. bild. Künste, Schule von Griepenkerl, 1907; erste Reihe, von links nach rechts: 1. Hans Massmann, 3. Hans Schachinger, 6. Fritz Zimmermann; dahinter stehend, von links nach rechts: 1. Karl Hoefner, 2. Josef Dobrowsky,, 4. Anton Faistauer 8. Egon Schiele”

Photo Auction 15